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Luggage Storage in Porto

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A vacation in Porto – leave your baggage in the luggage storage

Summer is a time of great impressions, hot sun, and vacations. Take a trip around the Portuguese city of Porto, walk the cozy streets, enjoy the stunning views and study architectural memorabilia. And don’t let anything bother you. With the tourist service Bagstop.club – luggage storage – you can free your hands and travel light. Your luggage will be kept safe in our secure luggage storage around the world.

Luggage Storage in Portoo

Porto – the winemaking kingdom

The largest Portuguese city after Lisbon is famous for its wineries because it is here that you can taste tasty port wine and even visit the Port Wine Museum. And also walk along paved streets and walk on a majestic bridge. The port is known for its 19th-century leaflet, the Palace of the Stock Exchange, as well as the Museum of Modern Art, and even the Tram Museum. And in the historical center of Porto, there is a legacy of Romanesque architecture – the delightful cathedral Xie, whose vaults rush into the sky. It is better to enjoy tours lightly so that your hands do not tire of heavy loads and your back does not suffer from constant fatigue. So take your stuff to the luggage storage in Porto and get unforgettable travel experiences!


A stroll through the Ribeye district in Porto will impress with a fabulous atmosphere. Each of the different colored and unusual buildings deserves special attention! Among the cozy houses hidden are small cafés with excellent prices for dishes. For example, a national franchise sandwich. (“little French” translated). How many franchise competitions there are in the city! Meat, ham, and sausages, cut with cheese and coated with egg, will appeal to lovers of nourishing cuisine. Walk in small streets without bags and suitcases – leave your luggage for storage and enjoy your vacation.

Shining Bridge in Porto

The Don Luisa Bridge offers spectacular views of the city. Thousands of twinkling lights illuminate the night sky, crowds of tourists eager to see both the Ribeira quarter and the Doru river. What’s interesting is that there’s a subway on top of a two-tier bridge, and there are cars coming from the bottom. Local extremals like to dive into the water from the bottom of the bridge. For their mad exploits, the brave even ask tourists for one euro.

Luggage Storage in Porto photo 2o

Football town

It will be a pleasure to rest in Porto. You can feel the sports atmosphere by visiting the huge stadium «Dragau», built in 2004 for the European Championships. Еhe Portuguese are very sensitive to their health, they have fruit and vegetable salads a lot and they love sports! Emotions around the act of football star Cristiano Ronaldo, who decisively pushed the bottle of the popular American drink away from him and put a glass of clean water on the table, still do not subside.

National cuisine

Porto’s national dishes impress with their appetizing. Whether you go to a small café on the coast or an expensive restaurant, you will be served a large plate of nourishing food, usually fish delicacies. We also recommend tasting delicious potato soup, cod, green pea stew, beef giblets, as well as exquisite trout, olives, and many other delights of local cuisine.

Sea of emotion

Porto is an amazing city! Travel lightly, leaving heavy things in the luggage storage in Porto. Bagstop.club is the absence of tedious queues, pleasant modern service, reliable and safe storage of things. We wish you the best travel experience!