I. Definitions

Definitions, described in this Chapter, refer to general terms of the «Bagstop.club» platform use, which regulate norms and rules of luggage keeping, other services provided by the https://bagstop.club platform, and also responsibilities of this platform users.

Bagstop.club pertains to the «BAGSTOP Ltd» company, which is a provider of luggage keeping and other services on the https://bagstop.club website.

«Keeper» — user of the platform, registered on the https://bagstop.club website, and providing services of keeping luggage and other services, contained in the Agreement between a Keeper and BAGSTOP Ltd Bagstop.club.

«Client» — user of the platform, registered on the https://bagstop.club website, and asking for and reserving the luggage keeping services, and also other possible services, accompanying his/her stay on the territory of other city/country.

Any user, registered on the https://bagstop.club website as a user or as a Client, is fully responsible for provision and consumption of services, according to present Terms.

«Service» — part of opportunities, provided on the https://bagstop.club website (given that Bagstop.club is not one of the parties) relating, in particular, to temporary keeping of luggage by the party of Keeper, being the subject of property of Client’s party.

«Keeping» — service, which a Keeper is responsible to provide for the party of a Client, in relation to the accepted luggage, reserved and paid on the https://bagstop.club website.

«Other services» — list of additional services, provided by the party of Keeper, including services of porter, transfer of luggage and other services, declared and paid on the https://bagstop.club website.

«Payment» — amount, which is paid by a Client to a Keeper on the https://bagstop.club website, and which depends on the number of luggage units and duration of its keeping on the territory of Keeper’s quarters, and also on the size and quantity of other services, used by a Client.

«User’s blocking» — measure, being applied in case of violation of one or more rules of these Terms by the party of User.

«Forbidden items» — any articles, materials, goods, the transportation and keeping of which are prohibited by the legislation of the country, where Keeper operates, and also which are potentially dangerous for the other people.

II. Service

The Bagstop.club platform by means of its website https://bagstop.club provides:

  • opportunity for interaction between Clients and Keepers, providing the services of keeping luggage and other services envisaged in the agreement with https://bagstop.club;
  • services of reservation, processing and execution of applications, and payment regulation.

III. Using of service

To use the services of the Bagstop.club platform as a Keeper or as a Client, users should create an individual user account by means of registration procedure on the https://bagstop.club website, which is compulsory.

During the registration users report their personal data, necessary for access activation, and confirm, that their age on the date of registration is not less than 18 years old.

Bagstop.club is not responsible for the corruption of data, reported by users, and also for information, deliberately distorted in fraudulent aims.

IV. Keeping of luggage

Keeping services, provided by the Bagstop.club platform, are intended for a Client to be able to leave to a Keeper for temporary keeping, and then take back from a Keeper the luggage, belonging to him, in terms and time, fixed during the reservation on the https://bagstop.club website; and for a Keeper, in its turn, to be able to accept the Client’s luggage, move it to the place for temporary keeping, and give it back to a Client in terms and time, fixed during the reservation, made on the https://bagstop.club website.

V. Drop-off for keeping

During the drop-off of the luggage, a Client should fill in and sign a special form, offered by a Keeper, proving the fact of drop-off and reception of the luggage, and also containing information, necessary for its return, including number of the order or number of the seal, put on the luggage, or sign in columns of drop-off and return.

VI. Subject of keeping

Keeper accepts for temporary keeping, reserved and paid on the Bagstop.club platform, different subjects of property of a Client, relating to the category of luggage. These are trunks, bags, backpacks, briefcases, packets and other packed goods and articles, in relation of which there no any legislative prohibition and/or limits. A Client takes full responsibility relating to the aptitude of his property subjects for keeping and the compliance with the legal requirements to them.

VII. Articles forbidden for keeping

We do not provide services for keeping of property subjects of Bagstop.club Clients, relating to the following list, including different prohibited or classified as dangerous articles, materials, substances according to existing legislation of the country, on the territory of which a Keeper operates. Packing, keeping and transportation of goods, which can threaten health and life of people or ecology — are also strictly prohibited.

Bagstop.club gives detailed and exhaustive list of Client’s property subjects, which are not accepted for keeping:

  • Weapon
  • Drugs and psychotropic substances
  • Fire-hazardous substances, pyrotechnics
  • Animals and plants (alive or dead)
  • Friable substances
  • Precious and semiprecious metals and stones
  • Antiques and works of art
  • Money and securities, important documents
  • Pornographic materials
  • Waste and quickly decomposed and evil-smelling substances and products.

VIII. Safety

This clause corresponds to Keepers, who are responsible to check the luggage, accepted for keeping, for the purpose of presence of prohibited items, materials and/or substances, with the preliminary notification of a Client about that, and to keep it till fixed time in completely safety.

IX. Guarantees and responsibility

The Bagstop.club service, and also the party of Keeper, are not responsible for precious items, left in the luggage, passed for temporary keeping, over the amount, which is guaranteed by Bagstop.club to the party of a Client, in case of spoiling or loss of his property in the period of keeping, reserved and paid on the https://bagstop.club website.

Also the party of a Keeper is not responsible for costs, relating to the delivery of Client’s luggage to the place of temporary keeping.

1. The Bagstop.club company guarantees a payment to a Client of established guarantee amount for the damage, caused to the contents of the luggage, in case if a Client has not broken any terms or limits of chapters VII and IX of these Terms. Users should get acquainted carefully with all terms and limits of luggage keeping before the reservation on the https://bagstop.club website to avoid different conflict situations.

2. If registering on the Bagstop.club platform, users agree, that the BAGSTOP Ltd «Bagstop.club» company will take decision about the payment of guaranteed amount for loss or damage of Client’s luggage, and also about any other conflict situations, relying on current Terms, Bulgarian legislation, and rights of citizens. Decisions, made by the Bagstop.club company, relating to such questions, are final and obligatory for all platform users, but can be stipulated in the correspondent instances.
Besides, users of the Bagstop.clb platform agree that:

a) we reserve the right to withdraw the guarantee at any moment before the reclamation, and new claims will not be considered after the withdrawal;

b) our obligation to compensate a damage, caused to the Client’s luggage, with fixed amount, is a guarantee of our services’ security. This payment is a guarantee of responsibility between users, and is not an offer to insure Client’s property, as well as is not an insurance treaty.

3. The right for guarantee payment is given only to users of the Bagstop.club platform, who follows all the Terms of using this service, including terms of drop-off, keeping and return of the luggage, and terms of contents. If you do not want, or due to some reason, cannot follow any of these Terms, you should inform us, and the guarantee will not cover your reservation in that case. Thus, you can ask for guarantee payment, if:

a) your age at the moment of registration is not less than 18 years old, and you got material losses of damaged or lost luggage during its keeping on the territory of a Keeper, reserved and paid on the https://bagstop.club website; you are registered user of the Bagstop.club platform; you used only this service for making your order;

b) you are a Keeper (pledgee, owner or leaseholder of keeping places) or a Client, and an owner of all the goods, in relation of which an opportunity of guarantee payment is being considered;

c) you made efforts to solve a conflict situation and compensate damage:

  • by the mutual agreement of parties;
  • in case of theft suspicion and other criminal acts or illegal activities of any type, contacted with local law-enforcement authorities, which took criminal investigation, commenced a suit for compensation to any possible insurance companies or any other authorities, including state, which could be possible only after carrying out such an investigation;
  • by way of reclamation to any possible insurance companies, which have insurance obligations in relation to injured party;

d) you do not put any claims according to the following clauses:

  • you made a request for the compensation of damage by means of guarantee payment for the second time, after Bagstop.club had refused your first claim;
  • you made a request for the compensation of damage by means of guarantee payment later than 1 (one) week after the day of loss or damage;

e) you are ready:

  • to provide us with the data of your property insurance in any insurance companies, including your correspondence, relating to your claims to the insurance company for compensation of damage or loss of your property, based on the insurance agreement;
  • to make a request for data access to fraud-prevention agencies or insurance information change, at your expense, by the decision of the Bagstop.club company, and disclose all the information received from them, excluding cases of not relating information.

f) the Bagstop.club company has no any reasons to suspect your dishonesty; otherwise, the guarantee payment will not be applied to your situation, and your status of the Bagstop.club platform user will be blocked, in particular, if:

  • we get information from any corresponding competent source (including police or any other state authorities) about your intentions to abuse our guarantee;
  • we know you to be involved in any fraudulent or illegal activity, connected with false insurance claims;
  • we get information that any damage or loss of your property, considered for guarantee, was a result of some illegal or dishonest action or inaction on your part;

g) you cooperate fully with all the investigations and requests, which are held by the Bagstop.club company in relation to the situation, which has become a reason for consideration of opportunity for guarantee payment.

4. Financial guarantees. Considering the terms, described in the previous clauses, and also limits, mentioned in chapter VII of present Terms, the BAGSTOP Ltd company guarantees a payment of 300 euros for every claim for repair or change (for your consideration) of Client’s property, damaged or destroyed during the process of keeping, reserved and paid on the https://bagstop.club website. Spare elements of luggage will be valued by their market value less deterioration.

Moral damage is not considered in the evaluation.

5. The procedure of guarantee payment.

You should inform the BAGSTOP Ltd company about the fact of damage or loss during 7 days beginning from the day of its disclosure — by e-mail or other way, available for you.

Non-observance of the terms, stated in this clause, will cause to guarantee annulment. You should cooperate in providing us with proofs, relating to your person identity, and also to the fact of occurred loss or damage and the related circumstances.

If you suspect a theft or other criminal actions, relating to your luggage and sustained moral damage, you should inform police within 48 hours from the moment of the supposed crime disclosure, and before you inform us. Applying to Bagstop.club with a claim for damage compensation, get ready to provide a document, confirming the fact of dealing with the local law authorities.

After that within three working days, we will contact you and inform you, if your claim is appropriate for consideration, and will give you one of three answers:

a) «Claim is not valid», which means that your claim is not covered by the guarantee for described reason/reasons;

b) «Claim is on consideration», which means that your claim is paused till the steps, described in the answer, are taken and completed. As a rule, this means, that an insurance suit or criminal investigation is expected. At the same time, you are responsible for maintenance of contact with the police and/or insurance company and/or other agent or corresponding subject, relating to the process of the investigation, criminal trial or suit;

c) «Claim corresponds to requirements», which means that we are ready to consider your claim, and you have 10 days from the moment, when our answer was received, to execute actions of clause 6.

6. If your claim corresponds to requirements, you should complete a full claim within 10 days from the moment, when our answer was received. The full claim should contain:

a) signed application;

b) full description of the occurred situation, which has become a background for a claim, with detailed description of: occurred losses and damage, their character and reasons, and also any confirming documents, invoices, containing dates, other proofs, and also documental confirmation of ownership right and declared value of damaged or lost articles, date of acquisition, costs of repairs and so on;

c) for Keepers — confirmation of your ownership right or leaseholder status in relation to quarters;

d) application, containing exhaustive information about the occurred situation, including dates and description of your actions, which were taken for solution, if they were, in particular, negotiations with the other party, participated in the reservation, and also reports of the police, and requests to insurance companies, including received answers;

e) application about availability of any insurance policy, insurance deposit or other potential way to compensate current damage. If available insurance policy or other mechanism exists, but is not used, you should explain the reasons. And if they are used, you should provide proofs, showing that the process of claim has been started. In this case, the claim to the Bagstop.club company can be stopped until such a process will be completed.

7. After all the data and documents from the list of the previous clause are received, the specialists of the BAGSTOP Ltd company will evaluate their actuality and reliability, as fully as possible, before taking a decision about guarantee payment execution. Decision will be made within 90 days from the moment or receiving the full claim. In the framework of evaluation of the claim fullness, Bagstop.club can take any of the following actions, on its own decision:

a) abolish guarantee payments; in this case no any new claims will not be considered, excluding the claims, which have been already taken for processing and consideration of specialists (that is, the request has been already sent to us by e-mail); these claims will be considered according to Clause 7 of Chapter IX;

b) any changes, relating to guarantee payments of BAGSTOP Ltd, will be represented on the https://bagstop.club website, and thus will be brought to your notice, and your using of our website will mean, by default, that you agree with these changes of the website or services, placed on it.

Х. Reception, keeping and return of the luggage

Reception of the luggage for temporary keeping, and its return after the completion of the keeping period is carried out by a Keeper only to a person, for whose name a reservation and payment have been made on the https://bagstop.club website. Or a Client can state a name of the recipient and sign it at the moment of the drop-off. After the luggage is received by a Keeper, it is kept for the fee of 5 euros for 24 hours per one place of keeping. For some particular regions the fee varies from 1,5 euros.

ХI. Repayment

In case of cancellation by the Client of the booking made through https://bagstop.club, the refund is carried out in full in the form of an unlimited coupon with no time limit; in other cases, no refund is made.

XII. Consent to the processing of personal data and acceptance of conditions

All the users of the https://bagstop.club website agree for the processing of personal data, and also accept present Terms of using the Bagstop.club platform.

Present Terms are indivisible and unconditional, and are applied to all the users of the platform, without exception.

Any violations of present Terms on the users’ party, result to responsibility, stated in chapter IX of present Terms, or, in other cases, responsibility, envisaged by the Bulgarian legislation.

1000, SOFIA,
email: support@bagstop.club – support
phone: +39 333 15 14 367 (Italian, Russian, Ukrainian)
phone: +35 987 74 86 921 (English, Bulgarian, German, Russian, Ukrainian)